Monday, August 26, 2013

Procedure Texts

Structure and Features of Procedures texts


The main purpose of procedure is to direct, inform or explain. A procedure explains how to do something.


Types of Procedure

Procedure must serve a purpose and must be appropriate foran audience such as; a child or adult. Procedures may be spoken, written or visual, and can take place face to face, on the telephone or on the radio. These may involve physical activity, mental thought or emotional behaviour.


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Procedures text can instruct how to do a particular activity, for example; science experiments, stage directions, road safety rules, following an itenerary and recipes.
Procedures can help people by teaching them what is appropriate behaviour, for example; how to succeed.
Procedures normally take the form of directions or instructions. Directions depend on someone with the knowledge having the skills to pass them on accurately, and will direct someone to a place. Instruction will methodically explain how to make or do something, how something works or how it is used, such as; instruction manual or operating instructions.


The Structure usually consists of three stages:
1.An introductory statement that gives the heading, the goal or the aim of the activity and states what the procedure is aiming to achieve.
2.The listing of materials or equipment to be used for the procedure.
3.The method or sequence of steps written in the order in which they should be completed.




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